Shenzhen Zen alternate mix
Thursday, February 10, 2005
  A Man Needs a Maid in a Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
Chinese New Year's Day, February 9, began on a rather rocky note, with a hangover thanks to too much Lunar New Year's Eve fun at a bar with a great jukebox called The Globe and a music- and beer-loving English coworker, Steve. But after rising from the ashes of Steve's place at 11 am where I'd crashed -- convienently located in HK's premier sleaze center, Wan Chai -- I passed a bar on the way to the subway called Old China Hand. As the New Year's Day scene in downtown Hong Kong was pretty much like any other New Year's Day western or Asian and deader than a used condom, I was happy to see OCH was open for business and decided that a cholest- 'o-fest breakfast might help ease the pain.
While sipping a double hair of the dog and waiting for the omniscent "British style breakfast" served here (sausages, bacon, baked beans, toast, broiled tomato and eggs) I began eyeing two comely Asian lasses in full hooker regalia at the bar. One in particular caught my eye. She was wearing an honest to god leopard skin pillbox hat atop generously pushed up cleavage, a tweed mini-skirt, black lace stockings and calf-high 4-inch pointy toe black boots. And she was viewing the world through blue, wraparound shades. Dylan and Bono together at last on a single goddess.
The women had been entertaining pretty much anyone who sidled up and seemed to be regulars. I'm not one and was just amused at their interplay, especially with a portly, older English guy who was apparently still going full-steam after a night of ringing it in.
"Why are you sitting all alone?" my new best friend called to me as I soaked up bean juice with my toast. "Join us! It's New Year's Day and I hate to see a man sitting all alone." He bought me another one and introduced himself as "Tony, retired," and then introduced me to the ladies, who were Thai.
"Your job?" asked Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat, who turned out to go by the name of what sounded like "Mesa'' to me.
I told her and she beamed. "Me too! I take picture - boom, boom! News!" She produced a mostly Thai script business card that indeed identified someone named "Praiwan Meungma" who worked for "Eagle New Press, Politics, Business, Entertainment."
It occurred to me that she actually might be a real photographer but she just laughed. "I think you know." Yes, she was one of the hundreds of Thai (and Filipinas) women who come to Hong Kong for a month at a time on bogus work or entertainment visas and then collect as much cash as they can before returning home, turning around and returning to turn the tricks again.
Suffice to say after more hospitality from Tony and with Mesa's encouragement she and I hit the hard reality of noon glare and repaired promptly to an ATM, where, as I withdrew taxi money and the previously negotiated "photographer's fee" for the camera-free Mesa, she squealed wth delight at another ATM.
She'd found HK$1,000 (almost US$130) that a previous user had forgotten to withdraw from the slot. Happy New Year indeed.
"You are lucky for me!" she beamed. But not lucky enough to knock down her fee, I'm afraid.
Nonetheless we repaired to my apartment where she hit the sheets as I showered, brushed and shaved to get rid of the New Year's Eve scunge that seemed to thinly coat my skin and teeth. Freshened up, I entered the bedroom to find the leopard skin pillbox hat on the nightstand with the blue shades and Mesa zonked out, sprawled gracefully minus skirt and panties and with her black bra partially undone. Feeling tender, I covered her and then snuggled alongside in approximate spooning mode. Weary, too, I slept the sleep of the dead while cupping a breast and was awakened with the feel of her hair on my thighs and her mouth working greedily between them as her right hand was slowly working itself between her legs.
Yowzah. Happy New Year, yet again. "Come," she said, gasping just a little between generous oral applications, her right hand still moving back and forth. "Tell me. I like to watch." It spun me back about 25 years to a lover I'd had during the breakup of my first marriage. She liked to watch, too, and her eyes would roll back until only the whites showed as she did.
She switched to vigorous manual mode, her right hand quickend also while she focused intently at the result. Her eyes didn't roll back, though mine almost did and she was obviously pleased with the results of her labors.
"Now my turn," she said. "Kiss me there too for a long time." I complied and in a short time she'd pulled the blanket over her head and was yelling and sobbing real tears.
I was briefly shocked, but recalled another ex who'd once cried after coming. Two old flames and her in one bed in one day. We snuggled and she assured me it was "okay, okay, too much good, too good."
I gave her a bathrobe, fresh towel and as she drew a hot bath for herself Mesa surveyed the mess that is my apartment with some dismay.
"You no have cleaning lady?" I confessed as much. "Mai pen rai," she said in Thai, which means "never mind." She grabbed a broom and dust scoop and began energetically cleaning up wrapped in the towel and robe.
"You sit down, please."
I did, though basic decency had me trailing her with the dust scoop until she shooed me away again.
After sweeping up, Mesa bathed, took her fee, donned the rock star gear, kissed and thanked me and told me she didn't have a cell phone but left the apartment a cleaner place amd me with some new memories. I cranked up the appropriate Bob and Neil songs and lounged in an afterglow that felt very good for a long time. 
The sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll (well, sex at least) adjunct to Shenzhen Zen

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